The first few games a gamer plays, are the games that have the greatest impact on his/her gaming career. A few years into their career, they look back and remember how they began, in comparison to where they are now. This is where I am at. Looking pretty dull for me now, what with all these shooters that are bringing nothing to the table coming out one after the other, but on a side note, to take sides, I'd have to say that Battlefield 3 is the clear winner. ;)
Anyway, the games that I grew up with didn't really differ from the norm in their day, but were great games none-the-less.
Final Fantasy X, Air Combat, and Battlefield 2142.
For this blog post im putting a focus on nostalgia, and two of those three games in particular.
Final Fantasy X, great RPG gameplay, over 100 hour’s worth, blockbuster story, and over-all a great experience. Likewise with the stand-alone experience of X-2. Anyway, my opinion is that Square Enix is doing everything wrong, FFXIII wasn't exactly the greatest game in the series, graphics don't make a game, along with the desperate upcoming release of XIII-2, and the never to be seen Versus XIII, and we can’t all forget the broken release of XIV.
Final Fantasy X still has a lot of potential. A possible HD collection bundle, and a prequel if the HD collection is successful, based around the Pilgrimage of Auron, Braska and Jecht. It's all hypothetically possible, but whether they do it or not is the question. Truth is, Square would probably earn more doing this, than wasting their money and time building upon the worst Final Fantasy release of all time. I'd frankly settle for a HD collection, and probably get all my nerdy mates to make me a classic gameplay and graphics Final Fantasy X prequel. (For teh s**ts and giggles xD)
Battlefield 2142. Who remembers the awesome Titan game mode? Yeah, I remember spending every afternoon after school playing it with my friends, owning noobs in walking tanks that we just called 'Walkers' and dropping onto enemy Titan's in pods from APC's. Intense Land and Air combat that entertains me, even to this day. A remake of 2142 is the only Battlefield we haven’t heard anything about (Vietnam in BFBC 2, 1943 etc.). Imagine if they were to implement a 2142 expansion pack in Battlefield 3, like they did with Vietnam for Bad Company 2? Fully destructible environments, great graphics, the vehicles we've all come to love, and the classic Titan mode. The thought makes me shiver in excitement...
Another nostalgic hit, that would sell s**tloads, and make gamers happy.
So yeah, I await a Battlefield 214(3) and a Final Fantasy X prequel. Complaints? Did I do something wrong? Mistakes? Wrong information? This is the first of many blog posts, there's bound to be mistakes, feel free to rip me a new one. I strive to get to industry standard eventually.
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